Medical staffs at MOJELIM Hair Transplant Center

Every single strand of hair is meticulously transplanted.

Jang, Young Soo Director of Specialist Center for Men’s Large Scale Hair Transplant
  • Master’s degree from the graduate school of the Kyungpook National University
  • Surgeon at the Kyungpook National University Hospital
  • Graduated from the Kyungpook National University College of Medicine
  • Full member of the Korean Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (KSAS)
  • Full member of the Korean Association For Laser, Dermatology and Technology (KALDAT)
Kim, Byeong Lin Director of Specialist Center for Men’s Hair Transplant
  • Completed the Medical Residence course at the Samsung Medical Center in Gangbuk
  • Visiting professor for the School of Medicine Sungkyunkwan University
  • Full member of the Korean Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (KSHRS)
  • Former Director of the Morim Hair Clinic
  • Former Director of Chois Artas Hair Transplantation Center
Park, Chan Seong Director of Specialist Center for Men’s Hair Transplant
  • Full member of the Korean Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (KSHRS)
  • Full member of the Korean Association for Dermatology and Trichology (KADAT)
  • Former Director of The Black Hair Transplant at Gangnam
  • Graduated from Dongguk University
  • Completed the Medical Residence course at the Samsung Medical Center in Gangbuk
Park, Se Ho Director of Specialist Center for Men’s Hair Transplant
  • Graduated from the Yonsei University College of Medicine
  • Associate member of the Korean Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (KSHRS)
  • Full member of the Korean Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (KSAS)
  • Full member of the Korean Association For Laser, Dermatology and Technology (KALDAT)
Lee, Je Young Director of Specialist Center for Men’s Hair Transplant
  • Graduated from the Medical College of Dongguk University
  • Board certified surgeon at the BHS Hanseo Hospital
  • Associate member of the Korean Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (KSHRS)
  • Full member of the Korean Association For Laser, Dermatology and Technology (KALDAT)
Cho, Jung Soo Director of Specialist Center for Men’s Hair Transplant
  • Graduated from the Inha University College of Medicine
  • Board certified surgeon at the Inha University Hospital
  • Completed from Postgraduate School of Public Health Yonsei University
  • Adjunct Professor, Medical School, Inha University
  • Consulting Doctor for Korea Legal Aid Corporation
  • Associate Member of the Korean Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (KSHRS)
  • Full member of the Korean Association For Laser, Dermatology and Technology (KALDAT)
Lee, Seung Hwon Director of Specialist Center for Men’s Hair Transplant
  • Graduated from the Medical College of the Seoul National University
  • Associate member of the Korean Society of Aesthetic Surgery (KSAS)
  • Full member of the Korean Association For Laser, Dermatology and Technology (KALDAT)
  • Associate member of the Korean Aesthetic Surgery & Laser Society (KASLS)
Cho, Min kyu Director of Specialist Center for Men’s Hair Transplant
  • Graduated from Dongguk University Medical School
  • Full member of the Korean Society of Aesthetic Surgery (KSAS)
  • Associate member of the Korean Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (KSHRS)
  • Full member of the Korean Association for Laser, Dermatology and Trichology (KALDAT)
Kim, In Sung Director of Specialist Center for Men’s Hair Transplant
  • Graduated from the Yonsei University College of Medicine
  • Completed the Medical Residence course at the Samsung Medical Center
  • Associate Member of the Korean Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (KSHRS)
  • Full member of the Korean Association For Laser, Dermatology and Technology (KALDAT)
Kwon, Nam Hyun Director of Specialist Center for Men’s Hair Transplant
  • Graduated from Dong-A University, College of Medicine
  • Full member of the Korean Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (KSHRS)
  • Full member of the Korean Association for Laser, Dermatology and Trichology (KALDAT)
Choi, Dong Wook Director of Specialist Center for Men’s Hair Transplant
  • Graduated from Chung-Ang University Medical School
  • Surgeon at Kangbuk Samsung Hospital
  • Full member of the Korean Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (KSHRS)
  • Full member of the Korean Association for Laser, Dermatology and Trichology (KALDAT)
Han, Do Hyun Director of Specialist Center for Men’s Hair Transplant
  • Graduated from Sogang University
  • Graduated from Chosun University Medical School
  • Associate Member of the Korean Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (KSHRS)
  • Full Member of the Korean Association for Laser, Dermatology, and Trichology (KALDAT)
  • Former Director at Glowell Clinic
  • Former Director at Modumo Clinic
Hwang, Jeong Wook Representative Director of the hair transplant for men
  • Visiting professor for the Medical Graduate School of the Kyungpook National University
  • Member of the Advisory Committee of the International Cosmetic Surgery Training Center
  • Resident doctor for hair transplant of NAVER’s Knowledge IN
  • Secretary of the Ethics Committee of the Korean Society of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeons
  • Executive of the Hair Transplant Research Association of the Korean Society of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeons
  • Representative Director of the Hwang Jeong Wook MOJELIM Hair Surgery
  • Tricogene of the Hair Transplant Center of the Kyungpook National University